
While the word “Press” conjures up images of acquisitions, editorial processes and tasteful Fall catalogues, Radish is different. Presses publish. They do the work of publishing. The traditional model is just one way of doing that work, and here at Radish, we follow a different path. In addition to developing our own publications, we offer our expertise to any publishing project interested in our way of thinking about how to get your stuff out to the world.



If you need a publisher to check a box or fill a field, we can help you out. No complicated contracts, no demands for copyright, just a simple backside-covering agreement et voila! You have your very own publisher.

Consulting Publisher

Publishing is easier with help along the way. Most projects boil down to a good to-do list and a bit of motivation, but it can be tough to go it alone. Whether you need help exploring different tools and publishing pathways, or hands-on project mangement, get a professional on your side early and make the magic happen.


First-class digital access to resources is crucial, but there’s still a place for physical media. Print works offer a different reading experience, and signify something concrete. We’ll help you coordinate print-on-demand, or even records, tapes and merchandise production.

Current Projects

  • Outside the Lines

    Outside the Lines is an online publication of, for and by the open publishing community. It brings together perspectives from practitioners, librarians, scholars, technologists, students, educators and the many others who are reimagining publishing on their own terms. Together, we explore how values-driven, knowledge-justice oriented publishing is growing, changing and impacting the world around us. More.

  • Publishing Outside the Lines: Vol. 1

    A special themed edition of Outside the Lines. Coming soon.